What to Expect at Inside 3D Printing NYC 2014

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Here at On 3D Printing, we are gearing up to bring you first-hand coverage of this week’s Inside 3D Printing Conference and Expo to be held Thursday and Friday at New York’s Javits Convention Center and hosted by Media Bistro.

We are looking forward to the conference, which now features an additional instructional day at the outset of the conference dedicated exclusively to workshops in addition to its traditional keynote and dual-track breakout panel format.

In addition to the conference and expo, there is also a designated workshop day on April 2 for industry practioners. The Media Bistro site shows that three out of four workshops are already sold out.

We look forward to bringing you coverage on these discussions.  Several topics from the workshop day include:  ”From CAD to Scanning:  Introduction to  Design,” which will feature a “soup to nuts” introduction to the fundamentals of real-time imaging and 3D CAD design software; and “Tools of Creation and the Future of Retail,” in which Isaac Katz will expand upon his account of how 3D printing will change the retail experience and provide a preview of his Interactive Design customer co-design interface.

Another new feature announced by Media Bistro for this iteration of Inside 3D Printing is the new Maker Summit & Pavilion, a special section of the trade show floor dedicated to makers, DIY enthusiasts, consumers and so-called “prosumers.”

This feature appears to be designed to provide unique exhibition and collaboration opportunities to makers, tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts.  Additionally, the Maker Summit and Pavilion will showcase the recent work of artists such as Ioan Florea, who developed a unique “liquid metal finish” process he used to create a highly reflective 3D printed metal car body appliqué which he fused to a traditionally manufactured Ford Taurino to create a unique look.

Inside 3D Printing

At On 3D Printing, we are interested to see how the Maker Summit and Pavilion expands the reach of prior conference expos and workshops, particularly in terms of facilitating practical applications for makers and new businesses.

In terms of the Keynote offerings, we also noticed a broadening range of industries represented, with the speakers including major players in the areas of 3D design software and industrial application.

Notable among these are Carl Bass, President and CEO of Autodesk, who will deliver a keynote on April 4 titled “the Future of Manufacturing: 3D Printing and Beyond,” which seems poised to cover the general landscape for the rapid prototyping industry and the broader manufacturing sector as a whole.

Other keynote headliners include Christine Furstoss, Global Technology Director of Manufacturing & Materials Technologies at GE, and Curtis Carson, Head of Systems Integration for Centre of Competence Manufacturing Engineering at Airbus, will be discussing specific applications of rapid prototyping technology in aircraft production, medical devices and other manufacturing sectors.

Industry heavyweights and innovators like Avi Reichental of 3D Systems and Maxim Lobovsky of Formlabs will also be delivering keynotes set to address innovation and the overall impact of 3D printing technology.

Inside 3D Printing

In a sign of the industry’s growing awareness of the investment landscape, Industry analyst Terry Wohlers will share his perspective on investments in the 3D printing industry following a debut year for 3D printing IPOs.  Wohlers predicts that the industry will top $6 billion by 2017 and top $10.8 billion by 2021.

Prospective attendees and industry enthusiasts can visit the Inside 3D Printing website for an agenda and further information.


This article was written by Lisa Perez, a regular contributor to On 3D Printing.

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