Tag Archives: Ford

Top 3D Printing Headlines Last Week: Guns Banned, Shapeways Celebrates Milestone, Ford Embraces 3D Printing

MakerBot GrabCAD 3D Printing Challenge

A roundup of the top news On 3D Printing brought you from December 18 to December 22.

Video: Ford Gives MakerBot 3D Printers to its Engineering Staff

Ford 3D Printing

American car manufacturer Ford is embracing 3D printing.

According to GigaOm, Ford is planning to give a MakerBot 3D printer to every engineer in the coming months. Reminiscent of the computer revolution, computer workstations were first provided to professionals and later adopted by the general public.

In the video below, Ford engineer Zac Nelson shows how he uses 3D printers for rapid prototyping.


via GigaOm.