3D Printing Week: Battle of the 3D Printed Figurines
3D Printing Week
This past week featured two cool new projects for 3D printing your own mini figurines. One in the fantasy realm and one of the bobble head form.
Hero Forge launched a Kickstarter campaign that has raised over $200,000 with 20 days to go. The company is offering customized tabletop fantasy figurines that are 3D printed.
Mixee Labs, a 3D printing startup that has launched creators for jewelry, cufflinks, dog bone tags, slim wallets, and figurines, now offers bobblers. It’s latest online creator lets your design a 3D printed bobble head doll that looks just like you!
Be sure to read our 3D Printing Year in Review 2013! It includes the top stories by month for 2013 and five predictions for 2014.
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