Tag Archives: food
Top 10 Countdown: Most Popular 3D Printing Stories in August 2012
Here are the top 10 most popular stories On 3D Printing brought you in August 2012.
10. 3D Printed Meat for Dinner: Peter Thiel Backs Bioprinting Startup
9. TangiBot has a Kickstarter Project for a Much Cheaper MakerBot
8. Google Employees Treated to 3D Printed Pasta by Renowned Chef
7. Stratasys and HP Part Ways on 3D Printer Manufacturing
6. Open-Source 3D Printer Pwdr Takes on MakerBot, Offers New Materials
5. Finally, an iPhone Case That Does Something Useful (Opens Beers)
4. Video: Beauty and the Beak; a Bald Eagle’s 3D Printing Story
3. Team Great Britain Olympic Cyclists Fitted with 3D Printed Helmets
2. Infographic: How 3D Printing Works, Industry Growth, Stocks, and More
1. 3D Printing at Top of “Hype Cycle”, Gartner Reports
Thanks for reading in August!
Imagine 3D Printer: Print Frosting, Mashed Potatoes and Much More
Instead of 3D printing with plastic, how about frosting or mashed potatoes? How about other soft materials found around the house?
The Imagine 3D Printer uses special plastic syringes that extrude any kind of soft material. The company wants you to experiment with ideas. Just remember to wash out the syringes afterward.
Imagine 3D Printer is in a class by itself. Imagine is a multi-material machine and thus can make objects with any material that you place in the cartridge. There is an infinite number of materials that you can use. If you can bring it to a soft form first (using a household blender), you can print with it. The sky is the limit.
The Imagine 3D Printer is available for sale and costs $1,995.
Watch the video to see the 3D printer in action.
Via OhGizmo.
Google Employees Treated to 3D Printed Pasta by Renowned Chef
3D printing is showing up everywhere; now even in the Google campus cafe.
Chef Bernard Faucher is using 3D printing technology to design specialty pasta. ”My food has a very distinct and customisable shape,” says Chef Faucher.
Google is well-known for its employee perks, including free meals every day prepared by exceptional chefs. Now through 3D printing, Googlers can truly taste and see something unique.
Google cafe photo by rwentechaney used under Creative Commons license.
Chipotle Beware: BurritoBot Will 3D Print Your Lunch to Order
Marko Manriquez has two passions: digital fabrication and good food. Fulfilling both of these passions is his master’s thesis at the Tisch School of the Arts. It’s called the BurritoBot, and it 3D prints burritos.
Using an iPhone app to build your order, the BurritoBot will receive the data and start making your burrito.
We don’t know when the BurritoBot will be ready for commercial prime time, but you can follow Manriquez’s project on his burritob0t website. Watch out Chipotle Mexican Grill!
Below is a video from Mashable that showcases the BurritoBot.