Designed to Win: 3D Printing Could Help Athletes Break World Records
Will 3D printing make a difference at the next Olympics?
French designer Luc Fusaro has developed a new technique for custom-fitted track shoes using 3D printing. His project, called “Designed to Win”, produces the lightest sprint footwear ever made at just 96 grams and is fitted to match the physical properties of the runner’s foot.
3D printing is the only way to create shoes this light and with such a perfect, custom fit.
Fusaro’s approach utilises a similar approach using bespoke manufacturing processes. Following 3D scanning of the athlete’s feet, a “one shot” full sprint shoe is produced, complete with traction elements and shoelace features, and is the very first sprint shoe fully made with additive manufacturing. The SLS (selective laser sintering) process, known for being ideal for a constantly changing design process, is also one of the strongest in the range of additive manufacturing.
Fusaro claims that the shoes can improve running performance up to 3.5%, which should enable top athletes to break world records in track.
The video below shows how the shoes are made and depicts athletes testing the shoes.
Via Luc Fusaro and PSFK.
[...] Luc Fusaro created a new technique which takes a 3D scan of the runners foot and prints it into a single piece running shoe that weighs just 96 grams! Fusaro claims the shoe can improve running performance by up to [...]
[...] francês Luc Fusaro criou uma nova técnica que escaneia o pé do corredor em 3D e imprime em um sapato de correr de uma só peça que pesa apenas 96 gramas! Fusaro afirma que o sapato pode melhorar o desempenho ao correr em até [...]
[...] Luc Fusaro desarrolló una nueva técnica que escanea en 3D el pie de los corredores e imprime una pieza única de zapatilla deportiva ¡que pesa sólo 96 gramos! Fusaro sostiene que la zapatilla puede mejorar el rendimiento al correr [...]
[...] 赛跑: – 也许3D打印在奥运会中优势得以突显的最有代表性的例证就是制造定制的跑鞋。法国设计师Luc Fusaro创造了一种新技术,利用3D扫描赛跑者的足部,然后打印成单片跑鞋,重量仅为96克!Fusaro称,该跑鞋可提高3.5%的赛跑成绩。 [...]
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