Tag Archives: WikiHouse

Top 10 Countdown: Most Popular 3D Printing Stories in May 2012

Amy Elliott Virginia Tech DREAM Vendor

Here are the top 10 most popular stories On 3D Printing brought you in May 2012.

10. 3D Systems acquired FreshFiber for 3D printed electronics accessories.

9. We wrote an editorial analyzing the space of 3D printing creators and consumers.

8. We reviewed SketchUp, Tinkercad, and 123D modeling software.

7. The fashion runway was 3D printed in Belgium.

6. The Motley Fool weighed in on public 3D printing manufacturers.

5. We featured companies exhibiting at Maker Faire Bay Area 2012.

4. Why Google sold SketchUp and what it means for 3D printing.

3. A 3D printing vending machine surfaced at Virginia Tech.

2. This New House: constructing and printing WikiHouse.

1. We featured Brad Feld as a premiere venture capitalist looking at 3D printing investments.


Thanks for reading in May!

This New House: 3D Printing and Constructing WikiHouse

3D Printed Wikihouse Zero Bolts

Most 3D printed objects are tabletop size, but how about 3D printing a full-size house? That’s the idea behind WikiHouse.

Great story from Inhabitat:

We’ve seen a lot of cool 3D-printed objects in our day, but what about a whole house? That’s what UK design firm 00:/ took on when they constructed their 3D-printed WikiHouse at La Rinascente during the Milan Furniture FairWikiHouse is an open-source platform that allows designers from all over the world to design, download and share housing templates that are printed using a CNC milling machine or 3D printer. Hit the jump to see a quick video by Alice Masters, which shows the 00:/ team putting together the first ever zero-bolt prototype of WikiHouse on the shop floor of one of Milan’s most renowned department stores.

3D Printed Wikihouse Zero Bolts


Via Inhabitat.