This New House: 3D Printing and Constructing WikiHouse
Most 3D printed objects are tabletop size, but how about 3D printing a full-size house? That’s the idea behind WikiHouse.
Great story from Inhabitat:
We’ve seen a lot of cool 3D-printed objects in our day, but what about a whole house? That’s what UK design firm 00:/ took on when they constructed their 3D-printed WikiHouse at La Rinascente during the Milan Furniture Fair. WikiHouse is an open-source platform that allows designers from all over the world to design, download and share housing templates that are printed using a CNC milling machine or 3D printer. Hit the jump to see a quick video by Alice Masters, which shows the 00:/ team putting together the first ever zero-bolt prototype of WikiHouse on the shop floor of one of Milan’s most renowned department stores.
Via Inhabitat.
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Precisely how much time did it require you to create “This New House: 3D Printing and
Constructing WikiHouse”?
It possesses plenty of great information. Thanks a lot ,Bridgette